Automated Time sheeting |
T ime-sheets entered directly by staff, which avoids paper forms and transfer of information by others. This also prevents incorrect job names and numbers.
Projects Reports |
I mmediate reports available for individual projects so that staff can know budgets and expenditures etc.
Cost Centre Reporting (ArchiAdmin Professional only.)
R eports in cost centres including inter-departmental costing for cross charging between departments. Enables organisation to work
in small profit centres which manage their own profitability.
Accrual Accounting reported against Project expenditures (ArchiAdmin Professional only.)
R eports on Costs expended against projects, Amounts invoiced,
Accounts received and Amounts outstanding for accurate cost centre wide and firmwide cash position. Reports are available immediately. This creates a vast efficiency saving in knowing financial position and having a fast immediate report.
Invoicing |
E asy invoicing entry and fast reporting. Efficiency in information being available.
Budget Reporting (ArchiAdmin Professional only.)
T racks
projects, profit centres and firmwide expenditure against fee budgets. Fast input and efficiency in information being available.
Projections Reporting (ArchiAdmin Professional only.)
T racks cash-flows, project, profit centre and firm wide into the future. Efficiency in information being
available and fast reporting. Enables resource balancing and managing of workflows to minimum income needed demands.
Security Access Control |
C ontrol over access to sensitive information pre-programmed at log-on. Efficiency in that it directs user to certain
information and automatically screens off other information.
Accounting Integration |
E xport and imports files from popular accounting packages to avoid manual re-entry and transfer of