Automated Filing |
D ocuments are filed into a predetermined location, avoiding the need to search for
filing codes. This minimises filing location errors and standardises the office.
Automatically inserts data onto Forms |
A utomatically insert projects and contacts database information specific to the project into the document being created. Avoids look-ups and errors and minimises typing.
Insert Logo onto forms |
L ogo held in memory and automatically inserted on to documents. Saves printing
onto letterheads (time) and minimises computer memory demands for saved documents.
Document Issue Log |
L ogs when documents are created, sent, emailed etc and stores notes. Enables
fast look up and recovery. QA attributes.
Project templates |
S tores work flow attributes and directs the user to templates. Enables fast repeat of similar previous project.
Documents and Forms Templates |
F orms and Document Templates available for particular projects and situations. Minimises typing.