Projects Information Database |
P roject database information of project name, number and attributes, organised accessible and with Quality
Assurance attribute.

Client Consultants Database |
N ames and addresses etc of clients and consultants firm-wide are linked to projects, thus avoiding
errors and searches. Firm-wide corrections update all projects.

Contract Administration |
T racks Instructions and Contract Sum Adjustments
Tracks contract sum adjustments, architect's instruction, variation price requests and variation claims, records the data, interrelates the forms and
provides running total of the adjusted contract sum to the progress claim.

Tracks Progress Claims |
T racks progress claims and brings in the totals of the contract sum adjustments into the claims.
Calculates the GST on each claim in the required format. Exports the data to the RAIA proformas.
Method of calculation and form generated is to RAIA recommended method. Avoids errors and no
need to invent GST compliant format.
